The Quad Cities have traversed a rough road and endured previously unimaginable tragedies over the past months. The heart and spirit of our communities have shone through stressful occasions in extremely generous and creative ways. There’s nothing as shocking as economic downturn, job loss, illness, death or similar catastrophe to pull people together. The challenge is to mobilize that positive energy and keep it harnessed on close-to-home opportunities that affect the lives of everyone … [Read more...] about New Energy for Prescott Gateway Mall
How are Your Ergonomics?
When you sit at your desk for 40 hours a week, you can pick up habits that may eventually lead to serious injury or illness. Repetition, awkward posture, and force or pressure, are some of the most common causes of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). What Are Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders? WMSDs are caused or made worse by the work environment. They can result in severe and debilitating symptoms, such as pain, numbness and tingling; reduced worker productivity; lost … [Read more...] about How are Your Ergonomics?
How Does the Internet Work?
So after you click “Send” in your email, what really happens? Where does it go and how does it all get there? While email and the Internet can be complicated, they don’t have to be a mystery. To briefly summarize, the Internet is a connection of multiple computers connected to each other – a global communication system. However, the World Wide Web is not the same as the Internet (even though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably) – it is one of the services that run on the Internet … [Read more...] about How Does the Internet Work?
Cleaning Up Credit for a Home Purchase
In the past decade, thousands of people living in the Quad Cities have gone through a foreclosure, short sale, or bankruptcy. While each is very difficult and all are drastic steps to take, they are sometimes necessary for people to become financially stable and economically productive in the future. Sometimes, taking a step or two back allows you to move forward on a new path. During the recovery process from one or more of these events, the question inevitably arises: When will you be able to … [Read more...] about Cleaning Up Credit for a Home Purchase
Measuring Thyroid Function
Tired and sluggish? Dry skin and hair? Need more sleep? Colder than others? Gain weight easily? If so, you may be one of the 30 percent of the United States population that has a thyroid hormone dysfunction. You also may be one of the many people treated for thyroid problems, but due to what look like normal lab tests, are not treated appropriately. January is National Thyroid Awareness month, and it is time to find out precisely what is up with your thyroid. The function of the thyroid gland – … [Read more...] about Measuring Thyroid Function
Ending Nighttime Disruptions
I can’t take it anymore! Sleep breathing disorders, including sleep apnea and heavy snoring, can have devastating health consequences, including decreased life expectancy, increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, decreased cognitive function, etc., but what often goes unrecognized is the health effect it has on the partner in the relationship. Sleep fragmentation is the term used to describe the disruption of normal sleep patterns. Sleep can be disturbed by movement, light, … [Read more...] about Ending Nighttime Disruptions
Plant it Right
As you might expect, I hear differing opinions on which of our local seasons is the best for planting. My suggestion is to check your weeds for the answer. It's a fact that, like the weeds coming alive in the rest of the landscape, monsoon-drenched gardens take off with new growth. Rain is the best "natural" nurturer for all plant life A full front yard remodel has taken over the Lain casa where patios, new irrigation, decorative walls, and soil preparation have been months in the making. … [Read more...] about Plant it Right
Learning Opportunities-Summer Vacation
It is summertime! The kids are home for the next eight weeks. They have started to stare at you, looking for what to do next. As educators, we are frequently asked what we think students should do each summer. Should I pay for camp? Should I put my child in summer school? Are their brains going to waste away while they are not focusing on reading, writing and arithmetic? There are a few suggestions for making their (and your) summer less stressful and filled with learning that teachers use on … [Read more...] about Learning Opportunities-Summer Vacation