Your best friend, even though you may not know it, is right here at Yavapai Humane Society.
He did, and well, in the middle of the day, I got a text message from him while I was at work, with a picture of her in our apartment, which said, “Hi mommy, I’m home!”
Now, I must tell you, I was just a bit upset. A puppy? With two cats? In an apartment? How in the world are we going to make this work? My two cats (both YHS alumni) had made it work after years of working to become buddies and coexist together. And now, we’ve brought a puppy into the family?
Well, I got off work and went to PetSmart. got a bed, food, toys and all that this little girl needed! But I was not happy… not happy at all…
But the minute I walked in the door and met this precious girl, my heart melted. It was love at first sight! I held this precious soul in my arms, I looked into her eyes…and I knew she was mine forever! She stole my heart that day… and we have NEVER been apart for longer than a day of me at work.
Fast forward three years from then, and I’m working at the place that blessed me with my Cassidy Roo (and both the boys). She comes to work with me and lays on my desk, and looks out the window at all the dogs going out for a walk, I know she’s hoping for their happily ever after – the one she has, and dreams of for them.
And now here we are: eight years later! This precious soul that I got from Yavapai Humane Society is my constant companion, my cuddlebug, my happy tail greeter when I come home, the one who makes my life complete, the one who goes for a walk with me every morning and every night, where I tell her about my day, and no matter what, she always makes everything better! She knows how to spend seven hours in the car on my lap to go see her tutu (gramma) and she knows we’re going to go see the seals at the beach! She is my constant companion, and I can’t imagine a day without her.
I never knew the love of a dog – a rescue dog – I didn’t know the love they could bring you. I didn’t know the health benefits they could bring you. I didn’t know any of what they have to offer.
Here’s my message to y’all: you never know what’s in front of you, what your day will bring. You never know when you find that precious soul saying, “take me home.” You may not be expecting it; you may not even want it, but it’s there…and it’s beautiful!
Your best friend, even though you may not know it, is right here at Yavapai Humane Society. QCBN
By Loree Walden
928-445-2666 or
Loree Walden is the marketing manager at Yavapai Humane Society.
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