Rhine concluded her remarks by sharing a quote from an anonymous source: “Not all angels wear wings. Some wear scrubs.”
The 45 men and women representing both the YC Prescott and Verde Valley campuses celebrated their successful nursing student journeys with a traditional pinning ceremony Dec. 9 in the YC Performing Arts Center. The pinning of each graduate by one or a bevy of loved ones was a highlight of the ceremony that also featured emotional speeches and a recitation of the Florence Nightingale pledge.
YC Nursing Professor Maria Thomas fought back tears several times as she congratulated the fall 2022 graduates, all sporting blue scrubs and seated closely together on the YCPAC stage. Turning the podium so she could speak directly to her former students, Thomas said, “The reality of work is often a shock to the system and the first year of a nursing career is said to be the toughest. I’m counting on you to handle it because I might be the patient in that bed,” she said, garnering audience laughter. Turning serious, Thomas encouraged graduates to continue to give their best to any job or challenge they encounter.
“I have faith you will turn into the most amazing professionals and I’m proud to have played a part,” Thomas said.
In her congratulatory remarks to fall nursing graduates, YC President Dr. Lisa Rhine applauded their fortitude, diligence and sacrifices and the support and sacrifices of their families. While acknowledging the challenges they likely will face in these uncertain times, Rhine urged the future RNs to “practice the art and science of nursing with your amazing minds and loving hearts and always continue to build on what you have learned at Yavapai College.”
Rhine concluded her remarks by sharing a quote from an anonymous source: “Not all angels wear wings. Some wear scrubs.” QCBN
For information about YC’s acclaimed nursing program, visit yc.edu/nursing.
Courtesy Photo: Yavapai College Nursing Program graduates gathered for photos before traditional ceremonies.
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