Expression expert transforms wardrobes, outlooks, lives.
Her just-published first book, “So That’s What 70 Looks Like! The Essence of Aging Gracefully,” reveals what it means to live our truth, our brand, our style and to honor and celebrate our lives. “To arrive at 70, happy with who I am, vibrant, wise and joyful, it was incumbent upon me to at least share how I did it,” she said.
With her core values described as a triangle of kindness, bravery and integrity, Bobbie demonstrates the confidence, peace and wisdom that comes from life’s experiences and truly knowing ourselves. She guides the reader on a journey through her 12 “essences,” as an example of our many layers, elegantly illustrated through stunning images.
For example, her leadership essence is described as fellowship – bridging people together. This worked well for her in her early career in international telecommunications and enabled her to become the first female vice president of a prestigious Wall Street company. She expresses this trait boldly in a photograph where she is wearing a stylish black buttoned-down blouse with metal accessories.
For the essence passion, she expresses it as animated, photographed swimming in a pool, wearing a red cocktail dress. “Facial expressions, hand gestures and full-body movements are how I express my passion for everything,” she writes, noting that she is happiest in and around water.
Her version of a dramatic essence is exuberant, displayed in a bright coral-colored dress with a hemline that is short in front and floor-length in back. “I live in the no-drama zone,” she writes. “Yet ‘dramatic’ is another story entirely – architecture, extraordinary splashes of color, sharp angles and asymmetric cuts in clothing…make my heart beat a little faster.”
“So That’s What 70 Looks Like!” is designed to demonstrate the power of feminine leadership, reveal what aging can look like and not what it has to look like, show the difference between waiting and living, and illuminate how tough can be pretty.
“No matter what season of life you are in, you will find value in this book,” writes speaker, author and strategist Kathi Cooper Laughman. “There are so many mysteries in life. It’s important to be clear on what matters. The insights shared can help you with that. [The book is] the perfect balance of purpose and play as you discover your own steps in the dance.”
Through her book and in our closets, physically and virtually all over the world, Bobbie furthers her mission to help us feel great about ourselves; after all, she writes, to glow is not a lofty goal “because living well is our God-given right.”
“I think every single one of us is a celebrity. Every time you walk out your front door, that’s a red carpet. It’s another opportunity to say, ‘Here I am!’ So, if you regard it as that, it makes it fun,” she said. “When I work with clients, particularly those clients who are going to be on stage, on video, or going to do their website photographs and show their personality, the first time I meet with them is over the phone. No pictures. I do no research. I don’t want to know anything about them. I just want to talk to them. And, I tell you, it is magical. If you listen, somebody will tell you exactly who they are and then it’s so easy to wrap them in their message.”
Pointing out that the average person spends 20 minutes a day deciding what to wear, her goal is to save people time, use what they already have and transform their image, which, she says, builds confidence and garners positive feedback. Through listening, intuition and her fashion sense, which stretches back to her New York City childhood sewing clothes for herself and her sister, Bobbie figures out each client’s individual style and puts together outfits they may never have considered before. In addition, she identifies accessories to enhance the wardrobe.
“We create a strategic shopping list so you know the right things to add, so no more of things hanging in your closet with tags on them. And you get ongoing support because you will never be in a situation where you don’t know what to wear, because I’ll be a phone call away.”
Whether you are applying for an important job, preparing for a TEDx Talk or practicing aerial dance on a beach, this expression expert is known to show up with the fierce determination of a gladiator (her inner male essence), to uplevel your wardrobe, boost your confidence, enhance your presence and quite possibly, transform your outlook and your life.
“Confidence is an inside job. You can never get enough from the outside to fill you up, ever, and you’ll always be hunting for it. So, if you can fill up your own cup, so that it’s overflowing, then the rest comes naturally. Confidence to me is everything. I find it attractive. I think it’s sexy. Truly knowing who you are and loving who you are and liking the way you show up, that’s being in flow.” QCBN
By Bonnie Stevens, QCBN
“So That’s What 70 Looks Like! The Essence of Aging Gracefully” is available on Amazon. Find out more about Casalino Lewis at Meet her on Zonie Living: Business, Adventure and Leadership at https:/
Courtesy Photo: Expression Expert Bobbie Casalino Lewis encourages readers and clients to celebrate every age in style, whether practicing aerial dance on a beach or giving a TEDx Talk.
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