We will continue to tackle our challenges head-on.
Here are a few things that our college can celebrate:
- The college awarded 466 degrees in 2020-2021, a growth of 58% from 2018-2019. This means that our students are completing their degrees at a higher rate than ever before.
- The college awarded 484 Arizona General Education Certificates in 2020-2021, a growth of a whopping 84% from 2018-2019. Again, more students are completing these AZ Gen-Ed certificates than ever before.
- YC’s first- to second-year retention rate in 2018 was 58%. In 2021, it was up to 63%. This means that students are returning for their second year to achieve their desired goals.
- YC’s Hispanic student enrollment has grown to 24%, and we are now on the verge of becoming a designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) by the federal government.
- The YC Foundation issued $1.03 million in scholarships and program supports in 2021-2022. This represents an increase of 35% since 2019, which is fantastic for our students.
- The student default rate went from 25.5% in 2017 to 3.7% in 2022. This is huge for our students. It means they are finishing their degrees at YC and leaving without unnecessary debt.
YC has also:
- Received its decennial accreditation with no findings or areas of concern.
- Launched its first baccalaureate degree and received accreditation approval.
- Received a stellar review and reaccreditation for its nursing program.
- Been granted International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators accreditation for the College’s Campus Safety department.
- Added a self-funded Promise program that reimburses student tuition upon completion.
- Created and launched an Early College Academy for high school students.
- Increased athletic programs from four to eight.
- Received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.
- Been nominated for a national award for student success initiatives by the American Association of Community Colleges.
At Yavapai College, we understand that there are many challenges ahead. But it is important to recognize successes; this list above is something that our students, employees and communities should celebrate.
We will continue to tackle our challenges head-on. We will adapt as needed to ensure that our students and communities have the opportunity to receive the highest quality of education that we can offer at an affordable price. QCBN
By Lisa B. Rhine
Lisa B. Rhine, Ph.D., is the president of Yavapai College.
In February 2019, Dr. Lisa B. Rhine became the 10th president of Yavapai College, bringing to the institution over 30 years of leadership experience across a number of leading colleges and universities in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. Dr. Rhine assumed this role with a commitment to advance the mission of the college while ensuring access and support to those for whom opportunities may have been historically limited or denied.
Yavapai College offers more than 100 degrees and certificates, student and community services, and cultural events and activities at six locations throughout Yavapai County, including campuses in Prescott and Clarkdale, and centers in Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, Sedona and the Prescott Airport.
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