Purple Cat, which just celebrated its ninth anniversary, focuses on Prescott area authors and photographers.
Purple Cat, which just celebrated its ninth anniversary, focuses on Prescott area authors and photographers. The walls of the small shop are adorned with beautiful photos that are also for sale.
Wamboldt praises former owner Shari Graham for keeping the store clean and organized. She worked for Graham before purchasing the shop.
Currently, Marti Huzanski is the featured photographer. “Marti is a fabulous photographer and fabulous human,” Wamboldt said. Most of Huzanski’s photos are of wildlife, with horses, donkeys, hummingbirds, owls and pronghorn among her subjects on display. One of Huzanski’s photos of a hummingbird has been published in Arizona Game and Fish Department calendars. Oil paintings also adorn the gallery.
Award-winning Prescott author Judy Paris is also being featured. Her book, “Not Funny, Harvey!” is about bullying – a topic important to Wamboldt as she became familiar with bullying in her career.
The most popular books are mysteries and books about Prescott.
The Purple Cat also has an area designated for puzzles. “The large jigsaw puzzles are among our most popular items,” she said. QCBN
By Stan Bindell, QCBN
The Purple Cat is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. It is closed Sundays and Mondays. For more information, call 928-776-0116 or visit www.thepurplecataz.com.
Photo by Stan Bindell: Pennie Wamboldt, owner of Purple Cat Good Used Books, displays a photo by Prescott photographer Marti Huzanski and a book by Prescott author Judy Paris.
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