Visibility is power and the possibility for wonderful outcomes.
However, a disturbing report published in the Harvard Business Review by Priya Fielding-Singh, Devon Magliozzi and Swethaa Ballakrishnen finds that some women limit their visibility and thus their professional advancement because “they can face backlash for violating expectations about how women should behave, and risk losing their hard-won career gains.”
Yikes! Fear continues to keep many women quiet and unseen, women who could have inspired peace with their words, women who could have encouraged others with their stories, women who could have led nations and saved lives. And that’s what scares me!
My resolution for the New Year is to illuminate businesswomen who are hungry for success by teaching them how to be camera ready in story, soul and style so that they can confidently step into the spotlight, increase their visibility, boost their impact, enhance their value and inspire others to share their gifts.
Using the acronym SHINE, here are my top five tips for how to shine in the New Year:
S is for Story. Sharing your story can open hearts, change behavior, provide inspiration. Crafting your unique, compelling story is a skill that can be learned. Stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. There’s the hero, that’s you, and a villain, which could be a person, place or circumstances like the weather. There are also lessons learned along the way, leading to that moment of victory.
H is for Habit. I believe that getting into the habit of showing up “camera ready” builds confidence in every encounter, every presentation, every action. Being camera ready to me means being solid in our values, knowing who we are and having the ability to articulate why we do what we do. Being camera ready squashes self-consciousness and allows us to focus on our message.
I is for Investment. With the first light of 2024 coming quickly, now is a great time to assess how we’d like to orchestrate the New Year that sets us up for our best lives! Why not take a moment to identify what skills you’d like to sharpen or acquire for that trajectory? Then create a plan for how to get those. Is it a coach, a class, a workshop, a degree that you need? Enroll now, pay the fee before the end of the year and enjoy the educational tax credit on this year’s returns.
N is for Newsworthy. People who are irresistibly newsworthy are known as the experts in their field. The key word here is “known.” Anyone who avoids the spotlight risks the chance of not being known and not connecting with the people who need them, their product, service or idea. Public relations experts are brainstorming maniacs who can help you see your news-worthiness.
E is for Enthusiasm. Think about a puppy or any creature that shows up with a huge smile, an obnoxiously positive attitude and an eagerness to participate. They are difficult to turn down, whether you’re playing bocce ball or engaging in a fundraising campaign. We want to hang out with those people (and puppies), have them on our team and laugh with them at holiday parties and so does everybody else. They get noticed because they shine. QCBN
For more about how to shine, I’m hosting a unique four-day immersive workshop among the Red Rocks of Sedona for women, Feb. 6-10, with top-level public speakers, broadcasters, storytellers, image experts, public relations professionals and business coaches as guides. Sessions include creative writing, on-camera practice, public speaking and style consultations. Check out Shine! at or email me at to find out if Shine! is right for you.
By Bonnie Stevens, QCBN
Bonnie Stevens is a public relations consultant. She can be reached at
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