I could not be more excited about the future of Arizona Philharmonic.
“Hiring leadership beyond the founders is an important step in any organization’s growth toward sustainability and permanence,” said Flurry, “and splitting Arizona Philharmonic’s leadership between artistic and executive directors, who each share experience in both areas, creates opportunities for healthy discussions and solid decisions.”
He went on to say that Coffey has both wide experience and formal training in performance, music education and arts management. “On top of that, she is compassionate, quick on her feet and focused. I could not be more excited about the future of Arizona Philharmonic.”
“I have been attending Arizona Philharmonic concerts since its inception and it has been exciting to watch its growth within the community,” said Coffey. “This is my second year on the Board of Directors and first year as president.”
“As our new executive director, Abby brings a background of experience, enthusiasm and communication skills to AZ Phil, elevating a cohesive working relationship within the organization. This allows Henry to dedicate and focus more of his time on creative programming as the artistic director,” said AZ Phil Board President Chris Cavaletto. “We look forward to finishing this season strong and anticipate what the new season brings.” QCBN
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