Would you say that you are a proficient business owner?
I was only about 4 feet tall when I started playing softball, but I was quick, I was small, and great at catching. However, I couldn’t throw accurately to save my life, so second base was the perfect fit for me with my skill advantages and disadvantages. It took the coach testing me in several areas to figure this out. What about you? Do you remember your favorite sport and where you landed based on your knowledge, skill sets and advantages? I bet you do! Without having the coach on the field in practice, I bet neither of us would have been able to become state champions or even win a game. I certainly know as a mother raising children I wouldn’t have dropped my children off to “practice” if a coach wasn’t present. Yet, as business owners, many believe they don’t need a coach anymore in their lives.
By definition, a coach is someone who teaches and trains an athlete or performer. And the definition of an athlete is someone that is trained, skilled and proficient. Would you say that you are a proficient business owner? Just because you are passionate at what you do doesn’t mean you know how to run a business. I meet many women on my journey that are skilled, proficient and truly athletes in their industries, but they lack the understanding and skills to build a successful business.
I’d like you to meet Dr. Melissa Balizan. She has 50,000 clinical hours, has been working as a pharmacist for more than two decades and knows more about medication and the properties of them than probably 1,000 of us combined. She is truly an “athlete” in her industry. Where she lacked was the knowledge of turning her two decades of experience into her own business that had paying customers. When I met her, she was a concierge pharmacist with no private clients. A year later, after hiring me, she was leveraging her skills to work with large corporate businesses to facilitate medicine management for their employees to cut their healthcare costs. Now, she works with physicians to assist their clients, because general physicians are so busy treating clients that they don’t have the time to meet with them regularly to discuss their medication reviews. This is one example of how a business coach is able to see a different perspective in your business and can “move you around the field” to test your skill sets and leverage your knowledge to have a successful career, on your terms.
Here are five quick reasons why you should consider hiring a business coach if you own a business:
- Accountability If for no other reason, hiring a business coach for accountability will be the greatest decision you have ever made in your life.
- Navigate Challenges and Meet Your Goals A business coach can assist you in creating measurable goals, based on your industry, that will surely come up against some challenges that you may be experiencing for the first time. However, your coach has already been there and done that!
- Recognize Your Blind Spots We all have them and they are called “blind spots” because you can’t see them yourself, but your coach can!
- Close Knowledge Gaps Be sure to hire a business coach that is always a few steps, if not 10, ahead of you so they can teach you what to expect at every turn.
- Unblock Limits We all have these, too, and they are all self-imposed. Your coach will bring these to light so you can work through the blocks and eventually set yourself free of limiting beliefs.
I want to meet you and will be speaking at the Athena Awards in Prescott on Sept. 18. Connect with me on social media, LinkedIn, or even track me down on my website. QCBN
By Colleen Biggs
For more information on how you can schedule a 30-minute strategy call with Colleen Biggs visit her website at https://colleenbiggs.net/ and schedule that call at https://calendly.com/colleenbiggs/30min and see how your business can accelerate, scale and dominate with coaching with Colleen Biggs https://colleenbiggs.net/coaching/
Hear more from Colleen Biggs on Zonie Living, the Leading Ladies edition, at StarWorldwideNetworks.com
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