Cooking gives you a perfect opportunity to practice these skills with your little one.
Fast forward to being a mother, there was such joy watching my daughters create part of the family meal as well as creating snacks. My oldest daughter, Lindsay, was a great eater and demonstrated much creativity. She would eat most foods that I prepared, and her diverse palate was evident when she created meals. My youngest daughter, Stephanie, now with two finicky eaters of her own, was not as open-minded when it came to meals. I was always looking for ways to include my kids in my cooking and baking routines.
As we get older and cooking becomes second nature, it is easy to forget all the skills that it takes to cook. Teaching children how to cook is one of the best gifts you can give them. For kids to cook in the kitchen they must:
Follow Instructions (and we all know this is a BIG one for kids!) Learning to follow a recipe or listen to instructions is necessary when cooking! Keep your eyes peeled for recipes that are kid-friendly and would be fun to make together.
Measure Ingredients Using measuring cups and measuring spoons is a fantastic way to start talking about fractions (1 cup, ½ cup, etc.)
Use Fine Motor Skills Just think about the fine motor skills you use when you take a tiny teaspoon of baking powder and carefully place it into a bowl. These are such important skills for kids to learn. Prepare no-bake recipes that are a little easier, such as ants on a log, turkey wraps, yogurt parfaits and pasta salad as you begin the experience.
Read Reading a recipe is a great practical way for kids to learn. If they are too young to read, try drawing pictures of the ingredients and steps.
Practice Safety This is obviously a HUGE one as they learn about hot ovens, pans and stoves as well as the dangerous mixers and knives. Food safety is so important, too. Teach handwashing after touching raw foods and changing jobs. Remember to wash for 20 seconds.
Cooking gives you a perfect opportunity to practice these skills with your little one. I have assisted my grandson, Ty, in preparing cheese pizza, fruit salad, waffles and smoothies. It was such a joy to see his little hands go to town and work with the ingredients that were provided. He took pizza dough, marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese to create his own lunch. His attitude was so upbeat and heartfelt as he made one of his favorite meals.
Getting children involved in preparing their own meals is also a wonderful opportunity to instill the importance of eating nutritious meals. It also practices science and nature through the process. Just like I experienced, older kids may need to help with family food shopping, meal preparation and cleanup. Becoming skilled in the kitchen is more than fun. It is quite necessary for survival! QCBN
By Debbie Maranville
Debbie Maranville is the co-owner of Goods from the Garden, Catering & Events. For more information, visit or call 928-237-3214.
Easy Turkey Wraps
- 4 whole grain 10-inch tortillas
- 12 ounces fresh turkey breast
- 8 tablespoons Ranch dressing or hummus
- 2 handfuls of fresh/cleaned spinach
- 2 tomatoes sliced
Clean and sanitize your prep surface. Place the 4 tortillas on the counter. In the center of each tortilla, spread 2 tablespoons of Ranch Dressing. Take your spoon and smear the top of the tortilla. This will help hold it together when rolling. Add a handful of fresh spinach directly on top of the dressing. Next, place 3 ounces of sliced turkey on top of the spinach. Add 2-3 slices of fresh tomato on top of turkey. Carefully fold the bottom of the tortilla to cover the first ingredients. Fold over each of the sides and now roll the tortilla with all the ingredients toward the top. You can cut it in half or in fourths.
Enjoy with a few carrot sticks and apple slices. A healthy lunch! QCBN
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