As we begin the new year, I am happy to report that The State of the City demonstrates a vibrant, dynamic economy maintaining strong taxable activity and economic development, as we plan for improving public safety services for our citizens. With the passage of Prop 478 in November 2024, the result will be a safer Prescott. Your Yes vote adopted a dedicated transaction privilege (sales) tax of ninety-five hundredths of one percent (0.95%) to fund new fire stations, police evidence facilities, … [Read more...] about Prescott 2025: A Year of Growth, Safety, Strategic Planning
Phil Goode
Prescott Ushers in the Holidays
Prescott truly enjoys holiday celebrations and honoring those who serve. November is a month where we honor our veterans, celebrate Thanksgiving, and then we begin one of our most significant seasons with the events of Arizona’s Christmas City. We begin with Veterans Day, on Nov. 11. I view Veterans Day as a celebration, giving us a chance to thank all veterans for their service to our country. We do so in grand style here in Prescott, with the annual Veterans Day Parade downtown, beginning at … [Read more...] about Prescott Ushers in the Holidays
Local Firefighters Providing Opportunities to Learn About Wildland Fire Prevention
We can all agree that we live a remarkable and beautiful place. Our mountains and forests are a big part of our quality of life in the Prescott area, to be sure. Our proximity to this natural beauty also places us in an area at risk for wildland fire. Prescott Fire Department, Prescott National Forest and cooperating agencies are doing their best to keep us safe by managing the forest to help reduce the risk of a devastating wildfire. These agencies are also providing opportunities for citizens … [Read more...] about Local Firefighters Providing Opportunities to Learn About Wildland Fire Prevention
Prescott Traffic: Congestion, Improvement, Enforcement
During the past year, the City of Prescott has invested in ways to help our citizens move their vehicles more efficiently along some of our major roads. In 2023, we conducted a traffic study to help us better understand how vehicles are moving around the city. This data helped us develop methodologies and employ new traffic detection and signal timing technology to keep traffic moving efficiently. This new technology is designed to help drivers who are moving at posted speeds encounter more … [Read more...] about Prescott Traffic: Congestion, Improvement, Enforcement
Understanding Impact Fees in Prescott
On Aug. 13, Prescott City Council will hold a public hearing regarding proposed impact fees affecting new residential and commercial projects. If council decides to move forward, we will have an Oct. 8 meeting to formally adopt the new rates, which would go into effect Jan. 1, 2025. There have been some concerns expressed about the steep increase in these fees. In this message, I will outline the factors that have made this kind of increase necessary. First, I would like to provide an overview … [Read more...] about Understanding Impact Fees in Prescott
Conserve Water, Receive Rebates
Recently, after completing financial planning, a public hearing and a workshop, the Prescott City Council approved new water and wastewater rates, set to take effect July 1, 2024. These rates will increase gradually over the next five years, to provide for infrastructure operation and maintenance costs, and ensure funding for replacement or refurbishment of aging water systems. One way to save money on your water bill and conserve water is to install water saving devices. The good news is that … [Read more...] about Conserve Water, Receive Rebates
Events Make Prescott Special
Prescott has so much to offer to our citizens and visitors alike. All throughout the year, but especially this time of year, special events take center stage. During the month of June and early July, Prescott is particularly active with events of all kinds including art fairs, music festivals, car shows and parades, fireworks and, of course, the rodeo. These events offer a variety of experiences catering to our local residents as well as visitors. Many citizens think that the city organizes all … [Read more...] about Events Make Prescott Special
Sculpting Prescott’s Cultural Heritage
Last month, I was privileged to speak at the dedication ceremony for a monument honoring Lt. Ernest A. Love at Prescott Regional Airport. This larger-than-life bronze statue stands outside the terminal, welcoming visitors to our fine airport and reminding us of one of Prescott’s true hometown heroes. Local artist William “Bill” Nebeker was commissioned to create this important piece. Bill is a renowned Western artist, and his works can be found all over the world, including right here in … [Read more...] about Sculpting Prescott’s Cultural Heritage
Preparing for Wildland Fire Season
This time of year, the Prescott area enters wildland fire season as the winter moisture subsides and the weather turns drier and warmer. The fire season for Prescott and all of Northern Arizona generally falls between April 1 and July 1. Weather and other factors can extend or shorten a fire season. Prescott Fire Department, working with partner agencies, is doing more than ever to help our community be prepared and resilient. However, as a community within a wildland-urban interface, we can … [Read more...] about Preparing for Wildland Fire Season
Signal Timing Coordination to Improve Traffic Flow
We have all noticed an increase in traffic in Prescott over the past few years. As more automobiles and other vehicles use our roads, it is important to keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely. The Prescott Public Works Department Streets Division has employed some high-technology solutions and has managed signal light timing to optimize traffic flow – all to keep traffic moving as efficiently as possible. The main effort in this regard has been on Willow Creek Road (WCR), one of the … [Read more...] about Signal Timing Coordination to Improve Traffic Flow