Welcome to “At Home With Tom and Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and we love talking about the construction industry. Settle in, enjoy and have fun reading our column. We sure do enjoy sharing our words with you. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Hi Tom! We are back again, and this month I want to introduce Andy Ulibarri, the owner of Paragon Plumbing to our readers. Tom: Great! I have known and worked with Andy … [Read more...] about Paragon Plumbing Offering Skill, Experience, Customer Service, Emergency Support
Sandy Griffis
Appreciating the Rosa Foundation During this Season of Giving
Welcome to “At Home With Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and the community. Tom and I love talking with our readers. Settle in, enjoy, and have fun reading our column this month. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Tom, I am so excited to get into this month’s article. I met a really wonderful man and his family doing great things in our community and am excited to tell our readers about the Rosa … [Read more...] about Appreciating the Rosa Foundation During this Season of Giving
Meet Dylan Nordby, a Business Owner with Two Separate Skills
Welcome to “At Home With Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and the community. Tom and I love talking with our readers. Settle in, enjoy and have fun reading our column this month. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Hello Tom, we have a new twist for our readers this month. Since several of our YCCA members have stepped up to sponsor our column, we are going to launch our first sponsored column this month. … [Read more...] about Meet Dylan Nordby, a Business Owner with Two Separate Skills
When Do Construction Projects Need Special Inspections?
Welcome to “At Home with Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and the community. Tom and I love talking with our readers. Settle in, enjoy, and have fun reading our column this month. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Hi Tom, I have a super topic for this month’s discussion: Special inspections. Tom: Sounds great! I don’t think most folks know about this. It would be great to relay the when, why and … [Read more...] about When Do Construction Projects Need Special Inspections?
How to Make Aging in Place Safer, More Convenient
Welcome to “At Home with Tom and Sandy.” We are going to talk about aging in place, because I receive calls weekly about home modifications such as removing tubs and installing walk-in showers, widening doorways, adding ramps. Yes, the baby boomer generation is aging. Sandy: Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime! Warm, then hot, then blistering hot, and hotter. And let the monsoons pour! Tom: Sounds counterintuitive, but I agree, let’s hope the monsoons, as our summer rains are known, … [Read more...] about How to Make Aging in Place Safer, More Convenient
Preparing for the Annual YCCA Home and Garden Show
Welcome to “At Home With Tom and Sandy.” This month, Tom and I thought we would take a road trip. We are going to enter the realm of the YCCA Home Show. Tom: Hey Sandy, are you going nuts yet? Are you working yourself into the annual frenzy that is the annual YCCA Home and Garden Show? Sandy: Busy is what I am normally and is what I love. This time of year, it is such a worthwhile and fulfilling craziness putting together the Annual YCCA Home and Garden Show. Tom: Since the efforts of you … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Annual YCCA Home and Garden Show
Can Funds Be Recovered After a Botched Construction Job?
Welcome to “At Home with Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and we love talking about the construction industry. Settle in, enjoy and have fun reading our column. We sure do enjoy sharing our words with you. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Tom: Here we are again, Sandy, and I have a topic for our readers this month. Sandy: I am all ears! Tom: We are always touting the benefits of hiring licensed … [Read more...] about Can Funds Be Recovered After a Botched Construction Job?
Addressing Affordable Housing with Technology, Creativity and Partnerships
Welcome to “At Home with Tom & Sandy.” We arewith our readers. Settle in, enjoy, and have fun reading our column this month. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Hello, Tom. I am really excited about this column and the opportunity to tell our readers about our great “first step” meeting about addressing attainable housing along with Yavapai College. Tom: That was a great gathering a few weeks back, for sure. YC representatives and a group of local contractors, engineers … [Read more...] about Addressing Affordable Housing with Technology, Creativity and Partnerships
Discussing Proposed Work on Hwy 89 Through the Dells
Welcome to “At Home with Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and the community. Tom and I love talking with our readers. Settle in, enjoy and have fun reading our column this month and thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Well, Tom, we are back again and the topic this month is very timely and to say the least, extremely controversial. This month, I would like to use our column to inform our readers of the facts … [Read more...] about Discussing Proposed Work on Hwy 89 Through the Dells
Understanding the Seven Elements of the General Plan with Terry Sapio
Welcome to “At Home with Tom & Sandy.” We are here to give you the inside scoop and tips on everything A to Z for your home and the community. Tom and I love talking with you readers. Settle in, enjoy and have fun reading our column this month. Thanks for being such loyal and great readers. Sandy: Hi to our readers! We are back with Ted Gambogi and Terry Sapio and, oh yeah, my wingman, Tom, to continue our conversation about the Prescott General Plan. Tom: Such a comprehensive topic. … [Read more...] about Understanding the Seven Elements of the General Plan with Terry Sapio