Most people are not aware of the excessive noise in their daily lives. Noise comes from traffic sounds, trains, airplanes, roadwork, construction sites, even noise from people near you talking and listening to music, etc. Your brain is constantly processing all the sound, deciding what it wants to focus on and what is to be ignored. Even when you sleep, your ears are working, picking up and filtering the sound to different parts of the brain. This constant stimulus causes mental fatigue and … [Read more...] about Environmental Noise May Cause Health Issues
Trinity Hearing
Treating Hearing Loss in Babies
Hearing loss in children is more common than you may realize. Hearing loss occurs in two to three per 100 babies born in the United States, prompting hospitals to offer hearing screening as part of the newborn package or charge a small fee for the test. I strongly recommend all parents have their baby’s hearing checked prior to discharge. Hearing Test for Newborns The hearing test is quick and painless for the baby. It is administered by either a nurse or other hospital employee trained in … [Read more...] about Treating Hearing Loss in Babies
The Trinity of Hearing: Part One, The Family
This is part one of a three-part series on hearing loss and the relationship of the three primary elements or the Trinity of players involved in facilitating hearing as efficiently as possible. This Trinity includes the family, the hearing-impaired person and the hearing health-care provider. I was asked to repeat this series by some of my QCBN readers. “I have watched the relationship of my family shift from loving and charismatic to cordial and formal. Every interaction has to be directed … [Read more...] about The Trinity of Hearing: Part One, The Family
Hearing Loss in Children
The incidence of hearing loss in children is higher than you might expect. Studies have shown that newborn hearing screenings identify from one to four out of 1,000 babies tested, depending on the research cited. Most hospitals offer newborn hearing screening and many audiologists offer the test in their office for the babies missed at birth. The babies may have hearing loss because of genetic causes, birth trauma, middle ear fluid, debris in the ear canals or even the side effect of medications … [Read more...] about Hearing Loss in Children