A current OLLI membership is required to register for classes.
OLLI’s Winter Term also includes free classes for OLLI members on relevant topics for local seniors, like “13 Top Frauds Targeting Older Adults,” “Making Sense of the Medicare Nonsense,” and “Medicare 101 – Everything You Need to Know About Medicare.”
Classes will be offered at YC’s Sedona Center and Verde Valley Campus in Clarkdale, as well as at Yavapai College’s Prescott Campus. Many classes are also available remotely via ZOOM. OLLI’s Winter Term runs Jan. 22 – March 8, with a break between Feb. 26 and March 1.
A current OLLI membership is required to register for classes. OLLI offers four different membership options, including a new “Try Me” program for new members that allows one term of OLLI courses at a nominal fee.
The Verde Valley OLLI Program will also offer a Brown Bag series – FREE to the public on Tuesdays between Jan. 23 and March 5. The Brown Bag program will feature a variety of guest speakers discussing community issues, as well as developments in science and the arts. Visit www.yc.edu/ollibrownbag for more information.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Yavapai College was founded last year to provide learning programs and social experiences for those 50 years and above. It is a member-led, member-driven program, organized by a volunteer council. Most importantly, OLLI provides an environment where its members can learn, grow and connect with one another in an atmosphere designed for the community.
Participants can register for classes or view and download the entire catalog by visiting www.yc.edu/ollisedonaverde. For questions or additional information, email ollisv@yc.edu or call 928-649-4275. QCBN
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