Hearing loss presents itself in a unique manner in each individual. Barring hereditary losses, each occurrence will be slightly varied. Some people will have a sensory loss, while others are conductive. Some will occur at birth, while others do not appear until late in life. One aspect that is sometimes glossed over is whether the hearing loss is bilateral or unilateral. Bilateral means the loss occurs in both ears, whereas unilateral is just one ear. Since the majority of hearing losses are … [Read more...] about What Do You Do with Hearing Loss in One Ear?
Ear Safety Tips
A large portion of audiology appointments revolve around patient education. Given that ear health is not regularly discussed, it makes sense that patients may have a lot of questions. A common theme among their questions is safety. That is, how can one prevent damage or further loss? Below are a couple of the most common inquires. Ear Cleaning When testing as patient, they often express concern about their ears being full of wax. The truth is most people’s ears are pretty clear. Skin in your … [Read more...] about Ear Safety Tips
Which Hearing Aids are Right for Me?
The world of hearing aids can be intimidating. With the multiple manufacturers and models, it can feel akin to purchasing a vehicle. A minority of adults with hearing loss are actually fit with hearing aids, while the average length of time between noticing an issue and seeking treatment is seven years. Fortunately, licensed providers are available to act as guides, with guides being the key word. While providers are very knowledgeable and reliable sources, the question of which type of hearing … [Read more...] about Which Hearing Aids are Right for Me?
Understanding the Finances of Hearing Healthcare
Studies show that the average timespan from a person realizing they have trouble with their hearing to finally seeking help is seven years. One of the biggest reasons people wait is concern about cost. Information about hearing aids varies widely online and insurance benefits can be difficult to navigate. But taking care of your ears doesn’t need to be scary. While no two offices operate identically, the overall journey is largely the same. Hearing Exam The first step is always to obtain an … [Read more...] about Understanding the Finances of Hearing Healthcare
Testing the Lyric Hearing Aid
The Lyric is a hearing aid that is housed inside the ear canal for extended periods of time. No need to change a battery or put the hearing aid in a recharging device at night. All you need to do is go to your audiologist and ask to try a pair of them for free! Discreet Amplification The most amazing benefit of wearing the Lyric is that you are a “normal” person. You do not have to be careful with your hearing aids around the house so the dog or cat does not eat them when you take them … [Read more...] about Testing the Lyric Hearing Aid
Understanding the Audiogram
An audiogram is a graph that records the way a person responds to specific sounds called pure tones. The audiologist measures hearing threshold at the pure tone of each frequency. Hearing threshold is the intensity at which a pure tone is barely detected 50 percent of the time. Understanding Frequency Various frequencies or pitches are measured to determine how you hear at each area of the hearing organ. During a hearing test, the frequencies used in speech and in common everyday sounds … [Read more...] about Understanding the Audiogram
Are You a Cochlear Implant Candidate?
Being diagnosed with a hearing loss can cause conflicting emotions. On one hand, the patient now has an answer that validates all of their experiences and struggles. On the other, they must now undergo the process of managing their hearing loss. The sheer number of hearing aid options alone is enough to overwhelm. But another question may complicate matters: Is a cochlear implant appropriate for me? Realistically, for most patients, the answer will be no. But it is important to understand why, … [Read more...] about Are You a Cochlear Implant Candidate?
Are You a Happy Camper?
Most of us take our day-to-day experiences with a grain of salt. We don’t expect things to go too smoothly or we are disappointed, so why expect more? This article is about how to create the life you want. It takes planning, steadfast focus and self-reflection. A joyful life does not just happen, it is created! Focus on Being Your Authentic Self Take the time to sit down and look at your future goals. You could divide them into short-term and long-term goals. Now, look at the goals and see … [Read more...] about Are You a Happy Camper?
Exploring Hearing Loss, Dementia, Social Isolation, Loneliness
Hearing loss occurs in all age groups. According to the National Institutes of Health, hearing loss is found in three out of 1,000 children in one or both ears. In adults, the number of people reporting trouble hearing is one in eight people, or 13%, in the United States. The Link Between Hearing and Dementia According to a recent Johns Hopkins study that tracked more than 600 adults for 12 years, it was evident that even a mild hearing loss doubled dementia risk. Moderate hearing loss … [Read more...] about Exploring Hearing Loss, Dementia, Social Isolation, Loneliness
Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing
Although hearing loss is a common disability, most people are taught very little about it. Thus, new patients always have a myriad of questions during the initial phases of diagnosis and management. Some questions are more unique or specific to the individual, but most are the same. And for good reason. Hearing loss has a steep learning curve and patients want to ensure they are making informed decisions. My goals are to always make sure patients feel comfortable and secure, and to answer their … [Read more...] about Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing