We’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback for ERAdvisor and CareAdvisor, from both patients and staff.
At Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center, AI technology is being used to support our No. 1 priority – making your experience at Yavapai Regional the best it can be. ERAdvisor and CareAdvisor bring real-time updates on your wait time, appointments, lab results and much more, directly to your smartphone.
People arriving to the Emergency Departments at Yavapai Regional in Prescott and Prescott Valley are given the opportunity to use ERAdvisor. No sign-up or app download is needed, and it works on any smartphone. Here’s what to expect:
- Registration staff asks if you would like to use ERAdvisor during your visit.
- If you opt-in, staff enters your cell phone number into the system.
- You receive a welcome message on your smartphone to join ERAdvisor.
- You click on the link to log in.
- Once you’re logged in, the dedicated portal gives you access to:
- Automatic updates on wait times
- Secure sharing with family and friends
- Your lab and imaging results
- The ability to schedule follow-up visits
In addition, you can communicate with your care team, make requests and have questions answered. This immediate and enhanced transparency between patients and staff allows for less anxiety and frustration, which helps to make a potentially stressful time a bit easier.
CareAdvisor is offered when you’re admitted to the hospital. The interface is similar to ERAdvisor – you are given a log-in link on your smartphone. No app is needed.
You’ll have real-time access to:
- Your health progress
- Readiness for discharge
- Lab results
- An hour-by-hour plan for the day
- Reminders on health goals
- Educational content
- Nurse assessment updates
We’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback for ERAdvisor and CareAdvisor, from both patients and staff. Empowering our patients with continuing information about their healthcare journey makes them an active participant in their care, which is better for everyone involved.
It’s truly a new era in health care. From Virtually Integrated Care, to state-of-the-art, minimally invasive neurosurgery, to next-generation heart care, innovative technology is here to stay at Yavapai Regional. But there is no substitute for the incredible care team we have. They’re the finest, most professional people you’ll find anywhere. By supporting our team with the latest technology and innovations in patient care, we will continue to build a better patient experience for everyone in our community. It’s something we are steadfastly committed to at Yavapai Regional Medical Center. QCBN
By Anthony Torres, M.D.
Anthony Torres, M.D., FACP, is the president and CEO of Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center.
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