Adult Care Services, The Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Center, and The Margaret T. Morris Center’s mission, Quality Care, Quality Services, and Quality of Life, is not solely about the person receiving the hands-on care from their programs, but for the support of caregivers as well. Two key people responsible for this within the three non-profits specializing in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia care are Candace Lea and Melody Thomas-Morgan. Both women passionately agree that offering support to … [Read more...] about Adult Care Services Offering Programs that Support the Caregiver
Adult Care Services
Making Human Connections as We Age
What is it we want in life? Some may say it’s the connection with others, whether that is family, friends or community. As we age, we might look back at our life and long for the connections we once had or maybe the ones we never had. Reminiscing is a normal part of aging. What can we do to help our elders feel connected? Let’s have a chit-chat: There is nothing better than a good old-fashioned “talk.” Seriously, who doesn’t like to be heard? Our elders love to be heard. It helps them feel … [Read more...] about Making Human Connections as We Age
Preventing Falls as We Age
Winter brings slippery conditions that can lead to a fall. Falls are not just wintertime accidents; they can happen any time of the year. Seniors are especially vulnerable because of age and health conditions. There are several things you can do to decrease your risk of falling. But unfortunately, there are no guarantees, because sometimes accidents just happen. Here are some recommendations on what you can do to stay upright and not take a tumble. Walking and Exercise: I’m sure you’ve heard … [Read more...] about Preventing Falls as We Age
Aging Without Isolating: Living Your Best Life
The risk of isolation, unfortunately, increases as we age. The social interactions we once took for granted can become challenging due to situations such as becoming a caregiver, the death of a loved one, financial struggles, discrimination, physical issues and transportation. Isolation and seniors can be a dangerous combination during the holidays. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states nearly one-fourth of adults ages 65 and older are socially isolated and are at a … [Read more...] about Aging Without Isolating: Living Your Best Life
The Caregiver Dilemma: When to Choose a New Care Option
A person does not turn 101 every day, especially a person with medical issues or dementia. Ruth, a two-year resident at The Margaret T. Morris Center (MTMC), Northern Arizona’s only assisted living community specializing in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, is the exception. MTMC cannot take all the credit for Ruth’s longevity and good genes. Ruth’s children decided to move Ruth to MTMC sooner rather than later, which has made all the difference in Ruth’s overall well-being. Ruth’s children met … [Read more...] about The Caregiver Dilemma: When to Choose a New Care Option
Hydration is Key to Staying Healthy
Hydration is such an important part of staying healthy. Staying ahead of your thirst is really a key facture. Watching what we put into our bodies such as caffeine, which can dehydrate, can also be a benefit. Ingesting other foods and liquids besides water is also really helpful. Back in the 1970s and ‘80s, we didn’t walk around with a water bottle like we do now. This is progress! But where does that leave our elders who did not grow up with the push to stay hydrated? The balance of having … [Read more...] about Hydration is Key to Staying Healthy
Adult Day Center Celebrates Four Decades of Care
The Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Center (SJRC) celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. A boots-on-the-ground organization, SJRC is on the front line supporting family caregivers by offering the needed respite, education, resources and support through its medical/social model, Arizona Department of Health Services-licensed, adult day health program. In acknowledging the spirit of caregiving on behalf of their late founding Executive Director Susan J. Rheem, Adult Care Services is proud to … [Read more...] about Adult Day Center Celebrates Four Decades of Care
Taking Care of Mom
It’s May, such a beautiful month filled with sunshine, butterflies and Mother’s Day. Picture this: You are a child, you walk through the door after school and your olfactory senses come alive with the smell of home-baked pie. You immediately relax and know that mom has baked something wonderful! Not only has she baked your favorite chocolate pie, but she made extra pie crust treats with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. Life is good! We all know moms do so much. They care for us as babies, … [Read more...] about Taking Care of Mom
What is a Memory Café?
Memory Cafés are a worldwide recognized support system for those persons afflicted with dementia or other cognitive impairment. The cafés are meant to be fun, educational and relaxing for both the caregiver and the person diagnosed with a memory disorder. According to the University of Washington, the idea of memory cafés or Alzheimer’s cafés started in 1997 by Dutch psychiatrist Bere Missen. His goal was to bring people with dementia and their caregivers “out of the shadows and into the light.” … [Read more...] about What is a Memory Café?
Love is a Many-Splendored Thing
Yes, that’s a song, and it is a song that comes to mind in February. It’s that time of the year where love is in the air. Heck, love may be everywhere. Love comes in many different forms: Love for your partner, love for your kids, love for your pets, love for your friends. The main component is caring. Have you ever met a couple and you think, “Wow, they seem to have a special love for each other!” Let’s talk about one of those love stories and how it’s evolved over the years. Mary and … [Read more...] about Love is a Many-Splendored Thing