Jeff and Jennifer Herbert of Prescott started with an unknown home-brewing operation and now, just seven years later, have won the federal Small Business Administration (SBA) “Small Business Persons of the Year in Arizona” award The Herberts, owners of Superstition Meadery, will travel to Washington, D.C., to attend the award ceremony on May 5-6. They represent Arizona among the 53 businesses from all states and U.S. territories to be honored. The week before, on May 2, the Herberts will be … [Read more...] about Local Meadery Gaining Global Attention
Designing a Life; Growing a Business
“If you put energy, focus and heart into what you desire, it will unfold for you,” said Sadie Sarti, owner of Sadie Sarti Design Co. “So, be positive, think big, believe in people and businesses, and do good in your community. If we believe in ourselves and follow these ideas, we can live a fulfilling life.” Sarti has applied her philosophy to her career, family and community, and is now leading four employees in web and graphic design. “It’s a fun and inspiring place to work,” Sarti said. … [Read more...] about Designing a Life; Growing a Business
Study Shows Promising Water Future for Prescott
Some eyes were opened and some people were startled when they heard that, despite an increasing population and economic expansion, less water is being used in the City of Prescott now than 14 years ago. In fact, water usage has decreased about 2 percent annually on average since 2014. That is what Prescott Mayor Greg Mengarelli told those attending a City Council work-study session Feb. 26. Mengarelli led the study session, saying, “I earlier did not have a great handle on our water portfolio, … [Read more...] about Study Shows Promising Water Future for Prescott
City-Planned Events Delivering Economic Impact
The economic impact of local events planned by the City of Prescott continues to grow, bringing new people and more dollars to the community. The direct impact from spending on sporting events alone last year was over $2.5 million. The indirect economic impact totaled almost $6 million. Compared to five years ago, that’s an increase of more than $1 million in direct spending and $3.5 million in economic impact. What is more, an expanded event calendar for coming months promises to be “…bigger … [Read more...] about City-Planned Events Delivering Economic Impact
Education Center Expansion Underway at Sharlot Hall Museum
Ever-increasing visitation and recognition as a key destination in Central Arizona prompted leadership at Sharlot Hall Museum to accelerate plans for expansion of the education center. Groundbreaking for the 10,000-square-foot addition to the existing John and Helen Lawless Exhibit Center had more than 75 museum supporters gather Feb. 28 for a spirited ceremony celebrating the success of the popular attraction. Master of Ceremonies D.J. Fone described the soon-to-be constructed $2.75 million … [Read more...] about Education Center Expansion Underway at Sharlot Hall Museum
Solar After Sunset
Arizona Public Service customers will soon be powering their evening dinners, prime-time television programs and bedtime reading lights with a cleaner energy mix. That news comes from Jeff Burke, the director of resource planning at APS, as the utility announces its initiative to add massive battery storage to its existing solar power plants, stand-alone energy storage and build new solar facilities with storage. “This is big and coming on quickly,” said Burke. This will be one of the … [Read more...] about Solar After Sunset
Northern Arizona Surgeons Reattach Man’s Severed Arm
After a traumatic accident at a Winslow sawmill, hours of surgery and months of physical and occupational therapy, 44-year-old Mickey Rosenquist can almost fully straighten and bend his arm and turn his wrist from side to side. To have his arm at all is the result of quick action by co-workers, first responders and a team of leading surgeons. Rosenquist was hired to cut standing-dead trees and lumber into firewood to be sold at convenience stores. He was feeding the wood into the band saw. The … [Read more...] about Northern Arizona Surgeons Reattach Man’s Severed Arm
Canyon Receiving Grand Support
Coming together to sponsor and commemorate the Grand Canyon’s 100th anniversary Centennial celebration, Arizona Public Service (APS), Bank of America (BofA) and Teva have partnered with Grand Canyon Conservancy (GCC), to strengthen environmental, cultural, tribal, educational and conservation projects at the world-famous attraction. “This support makes it possible for us to protect the canyon’s unique resources while inspiring future generations to experience and connect with the Grand Canyon,” … [Read more...] about Canyon Receiving Grand Support
Program Encouraging Water Efficient Fixtures
Prescott Mayor Greg Mengarelli is fond of citing the quote famously attributed to Mark Twain: “Whiskey’s for drinking; water’s for fighting over.” In fact, he uses that phrase to highlight planning for the future and the amount of water it will take to sustain reasonable growth without jeopardizing future generations. Mengarelli also emphasizes that water conservation is in the best interest of the greater community. He surprised people when he pointed out that even with population growth, the … [Read more...] about Program Encouraging Water Efficient Fixtures
Racing to Begin Soon at Arizona Downs
Barring unforeseen difficulties, Memorial Day weekend will have the starter’s gun firing, horses galloping and the announcer shouting, “They’re off!” Arizona Downs in Yavapai County now seems primed to become another major destination in Central Arizona. In the past five months, experienced racetrack personnel have converted what was a weed-covered, eroded and generally abandoned horseracing complex into one of the most contemporary tracks in the Southwest. Ann McGovern, general manager for … [Read more...] about Racing to Begin Soon at Arizona Downs