Most new leaders imagine that their new positions are all about them and the new title they have acquired. After all, the moment you are appointed a leader, everyone should follow you and respect you. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Leadership is something that you need to work hard at, and your appointment as a leader is not the destination but rather the beginning of a long journey. This journey begins with the understanding that as a leader, you are more of a servant … [Read more...] about Understanding Leadership
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Living a Life of Gratitude
Grateful people are happier and healthier. It may seem cliché but there’s research to prove focusing on the good in life improves your physical, social and emotional well-being. It helps you unearth more meaning in your life, sleep better and cope positively with stress. What is Gratitude? Gratitude is a positive, but complex, emotion with several interpretations. Some say it’s the action of saying thank you when someone gives something. Others say it has a biological and societal … [Read more...] about Living a Life of Gratitude
Your Network is Your Net Worth
There are many advantages to having a strong and expansive network. For instance, when you are part of a network of successful people, you will gain valuable insight into trends as well as insider information on profitable ventures. That is why it’s important to use several channels to hone your existing relationships and foster new ones. Building a network of aspiring, motivated, positive-minded individuals can push you a step closer to your goals. Circle of Trust Networking is all about … [Read more...] about Your Network is Your Net Worth
Culture of Caring
Business is about people, so you have to invest a lot in people if your business is to grow. One way to do that is to practice a culture of caring. This idea encompasses a lot of things. For instance, leaders should understand what it is to be a servant leader who cares about employees, and employees should care about each other and for customers. Apart from that, everyone in your company must care about the goals and the purpose of the company. Why should you focus on building a culture of … [Read more...] about Culture of Caring
What Makes People Follow You?
Great leaders inspire others to follow them. Indeed, many characteristics define great leadership, but if you’re wondering what makes people follow you, here are the most critical factors you need to know. Trust Trust is the foundation of any well-developed relationship, including your relationship with your team. Your team needs to be able to trust you if they’re to follow your directives. Therefore, cultivating a high level of trust enables you to create a work culture that is highly … [Read more...] about What Makes People Follow You?
Characteristics of Successful Teams
Most industry-leading businesses get to where they are because of successful teams. Each business needs to have a cohesive, high-performing team to stay ahead of the competition. But, what makes a team successful? There are some obvious characteristics that you can find across all successful teams. These include adaptability, collaboration, strong communication, empathy and mutual respect. Here are the characteristics in detail. Strong Communication Members of successful teams … [Read more...] about Characteristics of Successful Teams
Understanding the Power of Our Thoughts
The profound power of our thoughts influences everything about us: who we are, what we accomplish and how we live. The thoughts that we manifest, whether positive, negative or neutral, send out vibrations and energy like the beam of a lighthouse even in the foggiest conditions. You may have heard of the law of attraction, but research has found that there are indeed neurochemicals and brain patterns to support this idea. Backed by Neuroscience Neuroscientists have studied brain scans and … [Read more...] about Understanding the Power of Our Thoughts
Practicing Powerful Daily Routines for Success
Most Americans wake up feeling tired and sluggish. Many of us wake up with a mood that is neutral or slightly negative and we spend most of the morning trying to get caught up. This article does not promise to makeover your entire life or guarantee that you’ll become a morning person ready to run five miles before the sun rises – unless that’s your goal, and if so, rise and grind! This article will, I hope, provide some opportunities for a shift in perspective. With small, incremental … [Read more...] about Practicing Powerful Daily Routines for Success
Which is the Best Car Choice for You: Gas or Hybrid?
While gas-powered vehicles are still the most popular form of cars found on the road today, people are increasingly considering alternate forms of powering vehicles. One method that has been gaining popularity since its emergence has been the hybrid car, and as more companies plan to increase production in the future, they may soon become the standard. What are the Types of Hybrid Cars? Hybrid cars take the best part of the gas and electric vehicles and make it possible for drivers to … [Read more...] about Which is the Best Car Choice for You: Gas or Hybrid?
Setting Goals for Success
It has often been said that unless we have goals in our personal or business lives, how do we know when we have had success? Many of us work hard, but our lives still lack fulfillment. What can we do to invoke change in our lives? Before you can change your life, you must change your thinking. It starts with visualizing what we want from life and setting goals that resemble that vision. Your vision is a detailed description of where you currently are and where you ultimately want to be. Your … [Read more...] about Setting Goals for Success